如果樑柱和牆壁、天花板都是同一個材質與顏色,看起來不僅沒有層次感,突出的柱體更會顯得壓迫感很重,利用跳色或異材質的包覆,例如木皮、石材等加以修飾妝點,或是使用較通透輕盈的材質,茶玻、金屬、鏡面,藉光線的折射放大空間感,可以提升層次,同時消弭樑柱所產生的突兀感。〈延伸閱讀:和惱人的畸零。 See more
Hello, I am Joe Ong, I provide Chinese Metaphysics consultation services that helps you discover your potential and destiny. Destiny analysis – determines the status of your well being, academic, wealth, career and relationships through。
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the United Kingdom. This base ten notation is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, in part because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations. On scientific calculators, i…
輕鬆看懂立面圖-書櫃設計. 今天要來討論的立面圖是平面圖上紅色的區塊,書房拉折門及書櫃的整體設計。. 圖面的上半是局部平面圖,可以看見。
16個絕美玄關佈置小物,展現優雅從容生活態度. 玄關是回到自己專屬空間的一個過渡空間,也是一個家的門面,有好的 專業設計 規畫,才能在親友來訪踏入玄關的那一刻,展現個人優雅生。